Here I just thought I would share some ideas and observations on measuring social media
Social media helps us to communicate and share more easily.
The key is in not just analysing stats but behaviour as well. Measure peoples thoughts, ideas, opinions, suggestions, feedback. Social media is inherently measurable in that by being talked about in a written dialogue and recorded online, marketers can subsequently analyse what had been said (good, bad and neutral). Statistics such as Google analytics can tell us numbers and figures but not feelings.
In order to ensure consistent and non biased results, it is recommended that a third party is used for all measurement. This is the case in many other industries and adds integrity to the results of any social media campaign.

Planned measurement is most effective:
Before campaign is introduced those involved must ask the question...’What are we going to do?’
· Set clear and realistic KPI’s
· Measure these KPI’s against industry benchmarks or other similar campaigns
· Have KPI’s been reached?
Study online users by observing online conversations and being aware of who is in the conversation, where (website/blog address) it is taking place, and how many people are taking part. BE SPECIFIC about what you want to achieve from social media...if you don’t know what you want, how can you know when you’ve got it?!
More specific methods of tracking social media are:
Referrals from influential bloggers and other social media users hold greater value and are trusted.
For example...Upon the release of a new model,
Toyota identified ‘leading’ (daily page views/number of subscribers) bloggers. They then invited them to a pre launch show with freebies and test drives and made them feel special. These ‘influencers’ then went on to give warm reviews in their blogs thus creating positive brand and product empathy and creating a buzz online.
What to do with measurements?
Use measurements to feedback in to product design and customer service. Constantly changing and updating.