- iPhone
- Apple
- Disney
- Xbox
- Starbucks
- iPod
- Sony
- Dell
- Microsoft
- Ford
- Nintendo
- Target
- PlayStation
- Mac
- Turner
- Hewlett-Packard
- Fox News
- BlackBerry
- Coke
- LG
- Best Buy
- Honda
- eBay
- Sharp
- Lincoln
- Pepsi
- General Motors
- McDonald's
- General Electric
- Walmart
- Mercedes
- Samsung
- Nike
- Subway
- Dodge
- Pandora
- Mercury
- Disneyland
- Last.fm
- Toyota
- Cadillac
- Chevy
Friday, 30 January 2009
Top 100 Social Media Brands
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Youtube have been hd
Monday, 26 January 2009
Make money from your Twitter account...again?

I was afraid that headline might look slightly spammish but then I though ah forget it yo home to Belair!
Friday, 23 January 2009
What EXACTLY is Social Media...really... when you get down to it?
- relating to human society and its members; "social institutions"; "societal evolution"; "societal forces"; "social legislation"
- living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups; "a human being is a social animal"; "mature social behavior"
- In communication, media (Singular: Medium) are the storage and transmission tools used to store and deliver information or data. It is often referred to as synonymous with mass media or news media, but may refer to a single medium used to communicate any data for any purpose.
- Social media is an umbrella term that defines the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and the construction of words ...
- A category of sites that is based on user participation and user-generated content. They include social networking sites like LinkedIn or Facebook, social bookmarking sites like Del.icio.us, social news sites like Digg or Reddit, and other sites that are centered on user interaction.
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
BBC using social media for its teenager brand...
Monday, 19 January 2009
Attempt at Social Media Tracking
Research company YouGov have just announced their intention to investigate the actual usage of social media networks. They propose to interview over 2000 users to discover the most used networks, how often these are used and test participant’s reactions to various adverts. See my article on Social Media Measurement.
social media blog
Friday, 16 January 2009
Brilliant example of a digital campaign
social media blog
Thursday, 15 January 2009
New Radio 1 Homepage

This is great. It’s innovative and it looks good. Bravo to Radio1 and I’m glad my license fee is being spent on something other than paying the ‘stars’ of Strictly Come Dancing or whatever!
Read more on Ben Chapman of Radio 1's blog
social media blog
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
2009...The year of total digital integration?
Friday, 9 January 2009
Why can't we be happy with what we've got?
Then came ICQ, MSN and their cohorts allowing friends, strangers and strange people to connect to each other in a more direct fashion. 2003 saw the advent of the great Myspace. At last we could listen to our favourite bands instantly online, message each other and then, as times moved on watch videos and write blogs; but it wasn't enough. There was a thirst for something more niche. A bit more exclusive. Cue mass uptake of Facebook, then Bebo (for the younger guys and gals), not to mention Linked in, Faceparty and all the others that quickly emerged (I would be interested to know the exact chronological order that they appeared.)
Still not enough though. We didn't want to trawl through blogs for information. 'Blogs are dead', said Wired.com recently. We can't be bothered to read more than the status report on our Facebook page and so came Twitter et al, as we apparently aren't interested in reading anything longer than 140 characters.
Now the time has come when we can't even wait to get to a computer, and have to have the latest application uploaded to our i-phone and other generic third generation smartphones. Don't get me wrong, it is of course important to be aware of every new development but do we have to jump on every single bandwagon? Does Twitter actually benefit our day to day life or does it get in the way.
New Media Predictions For 2009

Well the gloves are off with each and every blog, site and column vying for the position of the most novel/innovative/incisive prediction for 2009.
This is difficult with any industry but the dynamic and ever changing nature of digital marketing makes it difficult to predict what will happen next week, let alone in several months time. It's not just about predicting what will happen and what new things may appear its more about what will become highly relevant to people inside and outside of the industry. The shifting paradigm is from companies testing the water with certain areas (social networking), to them actually implementing results driven socnet campaigns with analytics and profitable ROI's.
Anyhoo, it seems that lists are the standard format for predictions so here we are:
1) Dynamic ad insertion to computer games – on the brink of happening and being tested in the new Sims games where there is a poster for the latest Indiana Jones film as you walk down the virtual street. Or it could even be in Fifa 09 where the football stadiums have real advertising on the hoardings surrounding the pitch. Dynamic in that can be constantly updated with more and more video game consoles being connected to internet servers (eg x box live)
2) Mobile TV (and so ads) through BBC iplayer etc via iphones as iphone ownership proliferates.
3) Natural product placement within online social environments. Bebo is playing host to an increasing number of corporate led initiatives such as shows 'Kate Modern'. These shows may be sponsored by brands overtly or covertly but this is set to increase in 2009.
4) Predictions aren't just about about 'in with the new', they also concern 'out with the old' - With the hundreds of niche products available (Twitter, Friendfeed, Flock) etc) we are probably set for a mini dot com bubble burst. In the loan friendly economic environment of the 00's new start ups have gain the support of venture capitalists with relative ease. This support may be set to wane with the doom mongering and credit crunch. Therefore 2009 is to be a year where we develop, embrace and exploit the exisiting rather than constantly searching for the new.