Well the gloves are off with each and every blog, site and column vying for the position of the most novel/innovative/incisive prediction for 2009.
This is difficult with any industry but the dynamic and ever changing nature of digital marketing makes it difficult to predict what will happen next week, let alone in several months time. It's not just about predicting what will happen and what new things may appear its more about what will become highly relevant to people inside and outside of the industry. The shifting paradigm is from companies testing the water with certain areas (social networking), to them actually implementing results driven socnet campaigns with analytics and profitable ROI's.
Anyhoo, it seems that lists are the standard format for predictions so here we are:
1) Dynamic ad insertion to computer games – on the brink of happening and being tested in the new Sims games where there is a poster for the latest Indiana Jones film as you walk down the virtual street. Or it could even be in Fifa 09 where the football stadiums have real advertising on the hoardings surrounding the pitch. Dynamic in that can be constantly updated with more and more video game consoles being connected to internet servers (eg x box live)
2) Mobile TV (and so ads) through BBC iplayer etc via iphones as iphone ownership proliferates.
3) Natural product placement within online social environments. Bebo is playing host to an increasing number of corporate led initiatives such as shows 'Kate Modern'. These shows may be sponsored by brands overtly or covertly but this is set to increase in 2009.
4) Predictions aren't just about about 'in with the new', they also concern 'out with the old' - With the hundreds of niche products available (Twitter, Friendfeed, Flock) etc) we are probably set for a mini dot com bubble burst. In the loan friendly economic environment of the 00's new start ups have gain the support of venture capitalists with relative ease. This support may be set to wane with the doom mongering and credit crunch. Therefore 2009 is to be a year where we develop, embrace and exploit the exisiting rather than constantly searching for the new.
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